Alkon Law LLC
Mitchell Alkon

Mitchell Alkon, the owner and sole member of the firm, brings approximately 30 years of experience to all types of residential and commercial real estate, business, and fiduciary matters.
Alkon Law's practice focuses on transactions involving the purchase, sale, leasing and financing of real estate. Representative clients include lenders, developers, commercial landlords, small businesses, contractors, real estate investors and brokers, and professionals such as physicians, dentists and architects. We are frequently asked to assist in intra family transactions, such as where a family member sells, leases or enters into a co-tenancy or equity sharing agreement with another family member, or where divorcing parties or estate beneficiaries seek to structure a buy-out of real property. The formation of business entities and the purchase and sale of such entities, or the assets of such entities, is another important part of Alkon Law’s practice. Firm clients present us with a multitude of business and contract matters to address and resolve, including drafting buy-sell agreements and advising in consumer related matters.
The firm has many years of experience in disputes involving wills, trusts and estates. Mitchell Alkon has been appointed by local courts to serve as fiduciary and has served as personal representative, trustee, guardian, and in other fiduciary capacities, making him well-suited to represent clients in fiduciary claims.
While experienced in litigation, particularly in the fields described above, we are also advocates of alternative dispute resolution. Cooperative agreements, including those reached through mediation, can often providing greater benefits to the participants than terms dictated by a Court order.
Mr. Alkon is a member of the Maryland and District of Columbia bars, as well as the Montgomery County Bar Association’s real estate section. He is also an approved attorney for a national title insurance company and a licensed title agent in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia; this relationship assists our firm in providing a full range of services to clients in real estate and financing transactions. He was also appointed to and currently serves as a member of the Montgomery County Commission on Common Ownership Communities (“CCOC”). The CCOC, composed of volunteer members and housed within the County’s Office of Consumer Protection, decides disputes between individuals and homeowners or condominium associations, educates residents and Board members on common ownership issues, and advises on proposed legislation that may affect common ownership communities. As a CCOC Panel Chair Mr. Alkon hears and decides cases, rules on evidentiary matters and writes legally binding opinions. He is also a Co- Chair of the CCOC’s legislative community. Through his CCOC tenure Mr. Alkon has gained expertise in common ownership issues.